Growing Christmas Trees !!
Is it just me or did the holiday season sneak up on you too? I have only experienced a bit of holiday stress this year ( running out of wrapping paper mid wrap) so I will call that a win. Recently we have been working on some fun projects around the house to include setting up an indoor garden and talking about planting some CHRISTMAS TREES. A fun fact about me is that I have always wanted to live on a Christmas tree farm. I love trees and the spirit of Christmas so much (maybe I have been watching to many hallmark movies🤣 ) so that sparked the talks about growing some Christmas trees. Let me back track a bit, we don’t live on enough land to actually start a Christmas tree farm but we do have a small patch of land in front of our home that we have been thinking about adding some type of plant. One day I mentioned that I wished that we could grow our own Christmas trees and now here we are, we have seeds for some beautiful trees.
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I have been doing a lot of research on what we need to get these beauties started and different growing methods that insure proper growth. The above photo depicts what seedlings look like before you transplant them. We are toying around with the idea of growing our seeds in “plugs” or tubes to help keep the roots more intact when we go to transplant them. There of course is no right or wrong way to start Christmas trees, this is just the method we have been talking about as we are growing them from seeds. Below is what our seedlings will look like (in theory) when we go to plant them.
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There are many different types of trees that you can grow, we are going to be planting Blue Spruce and Fraiser Fir seeds. Guys I know this is kind of a random post but I am truly so excited. Our cozy home is slowly turning into a non traditional micro farm and I am really looking forward to seeing how it all goes over the next year or so. I will I am sure be posting on here and IG as the plants start to grow to keep everyone in the loop on how they are doing. In the new year it is my goal to share more of our lives and our home, not just decor related things. Have a very safe and happy holiday everyone!