Handling Grief during the Holidays


Hey Friends!

I want to start this post by saying if you have lost someone and you are struggling this holiday season, I am so sorry. I am right there with you. For those who don’t know, I lost my dad two years ago the week right before Christmas. I haven’t really touched on this before because honestly, it is hard. I still have days where I think about my dad and cry while other days I will blast a song that makes me think of him and smile. The days ebb and flow like the tide.


While I am no expert on how to handle grief I did want to share a few tips that I will be turning to this holiday season.

  1. Take time for yourself- it may seem like a given but with the holidays being busy with family and friends(this year may be an exception) it can be hard to find time for those quiet moments. For me, I am going to turn to one of my favorite yoga practices to help me take a deep breath. Adrienne has a Yoga for Grief and it helps me tremendously. If yoga is not your thing maybe you take a moment to say a prayer, meditate, or journal. Anything that you can do for yourself can go along way to helping you move through the sadness.

  2. Bake your favorite treat or cook your favorite meal- I love to bake Christmas cookies especially chocolate chip cookies so I encourage you to do the same. Baking helps me to relax and Chocolate chip cookies were a favorite of my dad’s too.

  3. Play your favorite song or watch your favorite movie- these are great ways to escape even if it’s only for a little bit.

  4. Have an at-home spa day- This is something I have been doing more and more just to relax in general

  5. Call someone you love- For me calling my sister or my bestfriend is a perfect way to help me to feel less sad. Hearing their voices or seeing a message from them makes me feel better every time.

  6. If you need to cry- CRY! it is okay to feel the feelings and let them go. If you need to take some time to have a good cry do it. Bottling it up never makes you feel good and it can make it harder to find joy (speaking from personal experience).

Friends, Thank you so much for visiting the blog today. If you have any tips to share or just want someone to talk to , feel free to below. ❤❤

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