Styling a Small Space- Office Addition
Hey Friends!
This week on the blog I am sharing with you a series called” Styling a small space”. I am calling it that because this office space is small but mighty. I was able to do a little rearranging of this room before the new year so that I could use this space in a more functional way. Believe me when I tell you that I would have loved to paint this room and buy a new printer stand before I showed this space to you but honey that’s why this is a series.
Soon the printer table is going to become a work table in the shed, which I am beyond excited about because well we can talk about that later. For now the table is being used to hold the printer and one of my snake plants. It is amazing to me how moving a few pieces of furniture around can make a room feel totally different. Has that ever happened to you? You rearrange a few pieces and suddenly you are like wow what a difference this makes!
For this office refresh I created, with out even realizing it, a few work stations as I call them. The storage station, work station and printing station. I don’t know why but it seems to work for us. The work station is where I can sit to work on my computer, whether its sourcing items or taking zoom calls. The printing station has the printer and shredder for easy access while to small storage station has my white board calendar, files and supplies. I have always wanted a place to store samples of fabric and other things so hopefully in the future I can make that happen but we need to start some where. It has been great for me to do this project because it allows me to see what I have and use it.