New Years Goals


Happy New Year Friends!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Mine seemed to fly by and now here we are in a new year. Are you someone who sets new years goals? I have in the past and never really followed through with them for one reason or another. This year is going to be about choosing joy and doing more things that bring me joy as last year was a hard one for me, things happened in my personal life as well as the business that have given me so much strength and hope for the future. Is it weird to think that a dark time can give you hope? Maybe a little but I think being able to find the strength and the hope has really helped me through.

This year I think instead of setting very specific goals I am going to set broader goals and focus on the details over time. This upcoming year I really want to be more of a resource for inspiration. I was apprehensive to share to much before but this year I would really like to share more about our home and projects that we are working on, big and small, things that I am loving and anything fun that comes up for my business.


One thing that I want to work on this year for my business specifically is sourcing and being a source. As you all know or I am sure have guessed I absolutely love vintage and finding that one great piece for myself or for clients(and other designers). I would love to make this become part of what we do here at Vintage Soul so that I can inspire others around me to incorporate vintage into their homes regardless of there style. One of the ways that I want to be a source of inspiration is by providing a glimpse into my collection. As a visual person, it helps me to see ways to use or repurpose something so I want to be able to provide that for you in some small way.


It has been important for me to really sit down and focus on the things I want to accomplish this year but also reminding myself that things take time. There is no rush to have something done right away. We live in a fixer upper and over the last year there have been so many projects that I have wanted to get done right away that just don’t work out like that. The best part is, that’s ok. I wouldn’t want us to go broke trying to get all of the projects done right away. I think that pacing ourselves has allowed us to really think about what we want and to do things right. I hope that you come back to the blog this year to see all of the stuff we are getting in to, successes and failures alike. Lets all have the best year yet. If there is anything you would like to see on here or IG please let me know, I would love to hear what you are hoping to accomplish in 2020. As always thank you for stopping by the blog today, it means the world to me:) .

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