Current Fall Favorites
Hey Everyone! How are you guys doing?
Things around here have been so busy! I thought today I would share some of my current fall favorites. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year, give me all things apple, boots, and cozy sweaters any day.
Favorite Fall Activity: Apple Picking. This year I got to share in this activity with my mom and I LOVED it. We picked more apples than I know what to do with, shared a cider donut, and enjoyed some time together.
Current favorite music:
A-O-K Tai Verdes
1999 Charli XCX
Cure For Me Aurora
Hold Back the River James Bay
Hey Joe Caamp
Wolf First Aid Kit
Favorite Coffee Drink: Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato, if you like coffee and apples, this is a dreamy drink, trust me!
Favorite OOTD: A good pair of boots, blazer, jeans, and a cup of coffee.