Chasing Your Dreams

Hey Friends

What does chasing your dreams look like for you? Do you know? It is completely okay to have no idea what your dreams are. I went to school for a long time to study Early Childhood Education with an emphasis in Special Education. At one point I was also going to school to be an interpreter.

I found my passion and love for interior design in my early thirties and while many times it makes me feel like I am late to the party , I know that it all happened the way it was meant to happen.

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Family Traditions for the Holidays

Hey Friends! I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I wanted to talk about one of my favorite holiday traditions we had as a family growing up. It is something that we still continue today and I love it. The Saturday after Thanksgiving we go to get our Christmas tree. I don’t know why but it is a day I always look forward to.

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Handling Grief during the Holidays

Hey Friends!

I want to start this post by saying if you have lost someone and you are struggling this holiday season, I am so sorry. I am right there with you. For those who don’t know, I lost my dad two years ago the week right before Christmas. I haven’t really touched on this before because honestly, it is hard. I still have days where I think about my dad and cry while other days I will blast a song that makes me think of him and smile. The days ebb and flow like the tide.

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