Tips for Making your Home Feel Fresh

Hey Friends!

This is the time of year when everyone starts talking about purging and organizing. I will be the first to tell you that I love to purge from time to time. It feels good to get rid of things that I do not use or need anymore. But I am not yet in the space to do that, I am thinking a deep spring cleaning is in my future. Today I wanted to share five tips on making your home feel fresh for the new year. These tips are ways you can use what you already have or add in some new without breaking the bank necessarily. They are also small ways to help you start the new year feeling good.

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!

This year I wanted to try something fun with a word of the year. Its a practice that is not necessarily for everyone but it is something I have wanted to try. This year the word I want to hold close to my heart is Gratitude. The definition of Gratitude is: β€œthe quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”

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A Holiday Message from Me to You..

This last year has been a year, am I right? WE have had many ups and downs. Through it all, I have so many things to be grateful for; my family, Rosie, a dream job, and all of you. I just wanted to take a few minutes today to say that I am beyond grateful for all of you that visit the blog. This blog is becoming a place that I love to share everything that we have going on around our cozy home. Next year I want it to be a place for all of us to hang out and chat.

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Chasing Your Dreams

Hey Friends

What does chasing your dreams look like for you? Do you know? It is completely okay to have no idea what your dreams are. I went to school for a long time to study Early Childhood Education with an emphasis in Special Education. At one point I was also going to school to be an interpreter.

I found my passion and love for interior design in my early thirties and while many times it makes me feel like I am late to the party , I know that it all happened the way it was meant to happen.

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