Indoor Garden- Strawberries and Lettuce

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I hope that you all are not getting sick of me sharing our indoor gardens. I am loving them, having plants especially ones that we can harvest and eat is so important to me. A few weeks ago we decided to buy these hydro gardens(below) and I have to say they are the best investment. The lettuce we have harvested is amazing, I have had three salads so far. The best part is that the lettuce can be harvested for up to 5 months in these pods. We just make sure to keep the water filled up and to give them plant food every two weeks. I have never tasted better lettuce. My husband calls me his little rabbit and I love it.

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Unfortunately our back yard is in no condition for a garden right now. As such an indoor garden is the best choice for us. When we decide to plant outside we will be doing raised beds. Raised beds are our best choice because our soil is so rocky and full of clay. If we should go that route I am sure I will blog about it here. In the meantime, we are learning all we can about our plants and keeping them thriving.

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So far I have learned that the lettuce should be harvested often, you need to cut it about half an inch from the bottom so that it will regrow, the lights on the hydro garden adjust in height as your plants grow and it tastes really good. Our strawberries have been a learning experience as well, They out grew their small pot so we transplanted them into a bigger terra cotta pot. I did not know that terra cotta absorbs water the way it does, at first it scared me because I thought the plant wasn’t going to make it. Through my dad I also learned that some years strawberries produce and some years they don’t. It will be interesting to see how they do inside with our new grow lights.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and for putting up with all of this garden stuff :)
